- SMS2Mail makes messaging easy. Receive SMS from your customers directly in your mailbox. A perfect way for small businesses to communicate with customers. Use this service to take orders, book appointments, run competitions or receive feedback.
- A single contact entry in your iPhone may have one or more email address, phone number or both listed. People using iPhone are logged in with their Apple ID which requires an email address to create. The phone number of the iPhone gets linked to the Apple ID. However, Apple ID can be used to login into Mac or an iPad as well.
Don’t you wish you could access your iphone text messages with Mail.app? I know I do. It would be so convenient to be able to search your text messages with spotlight and you could even switch a discussion to mail and back and still have a complete overview in one place.
IPhone SMS to Android Importer. Backup your iPhone. You should switch your iPhone to Flight Mode or take out the SIM card before creating the backup, otherwise you may receive messages after you created the backup, and those won’t be included in the backup file then.
My initial hope to get this was to write an iphone app that forwards text messages to your own mail account. Unfortunately, the SMS database is not accessible from other apps and there’s no SMS API (yet).
However, I remembered seeing scripts that accessed the SMS database file that’s backed up to your Mac via iTunes. It turns out it’s quite simple to take this database and synchronize it with your IMAP account via a python script. This process can potentially even be semi-automatic if this script is set up as a folder action on the MobileSync backup folder. But that’s for later, here’s what the script does:
It takes your text messages from your backup and saves them in a (configurable) mailbox on your IMAP account. The subject line is generated in a way that will allow Mail.app’s threading to group the messages.
Here’s what the uploaded sms database looks like:
Download the script here: Sms2Mail on github
In order to run it, set up a config file named “.sms2mail.conf” (without the quotes and mind the dot) in your home directory with the following content:
Replace the values with your IMAP connection details, the name of the mailbox you want to store the messages in (you need to create this mailbox before you run the script) and finally your phone number. This doesn’t actually have to be your number, you can also use your name. It’s used to fill the To or From email header for incoming and outgoing text messages. This information is not stored in the sms database and therefore has to be configured.
Once this is setup, simply run the script:
The script does not require any additional python packages on OSX 10.5 and should run out-of-the-box.
How it works:
- Scans your iphone backup files for your sms database
- Pulls all text messages from the database
- Creates an email message for each one with a unique hash generated from a number of message fields
- Checks the configured IMAP mailbox for existing sms emails and downloads their ids
- Every message with a new id is uploaded to the mailbox. This ensures that subsequent runs will only upload new messages. Note that messages you delete in your mailbox will be uploaded again on next sync unless you also delete the original text message.
Things to do (and here I’m especially grateful for input):
- Describe how to set up a folder action that will trigger the script automatically when an iTunes backup has completed. This might be a bit tricky, because I imagine the folder action will trigger prematurely when the backup starts. One might have to monitor the exact sms database file directly, which is needlessly complicated, because the backup filenames are pretty obscure.
- Figure out how to upload unicode messages. I haven’t figured out how to do this yet, I’m simply using the “replace” option on the ascii encode for the message body. This is not ideal, because it replaces anything not ascii with a question mark. I guess one would have to create a mime encoded message body (base64?) but I don’t know how to do that yet.
- Improve IMAP access efficiency. Currently the script does an IMAP fetch of all messages in the sms mailbox to find the ids already present. I’m pretty sure this could be improved a lot by only fetching the headers or even only the ‘Sms-Id’ header. But I have no clue what fetch/select statement one would have to use. I’m not really tempted to read the IMAP RFC either at this point...
For what it’s worth this script works fine in reasonable time as it is right now. The initial upload of 500 messages takes 7 minutes over DSL. Subsequent syncs take 2.5 minutes. I can live with that for now but it remains to be seen how well this will scale to a few thousand messages. It might be an idea to cache the uploaded ids locally. That would also fix the re-upload on delete. - Maybe add some more feedback printout when there are no new uploads. Right now, the script only prints the IMAP server’s response for each uploaded message and otherwise keeps quiet.
- Integrate the script with Address Book (the API is usable from python) and use people’s names in the To and From fields instead of their phone numbers.
This is a list of carriers providing email to SMS gateways, which allow you to send text messages to mobile phones via email.
Sms2email Iphone App

Emails are specific to carriers and SMS messages can only be sent directly to the carriers'unique email gateway. However, generic commercial services also exist.
Sending email to SMS can be used to avoid international fees or set upautomatic alerts using IFTTT.
Download the list
For just $3 you can download the entire list as an Excel-compatible CSV, JSON and PDF ebook — and receive perpetual updates.
Thankyou for supporting continued updates of the list.
If you just want the CSV, you can download it here.
Search the list
Below you can search the current gateway list directly. Select your country and (optionally) enter the name of your provider.
What next?
1.Find your carrier in the returned results (above). Check for any provider-specific activation instructions in the Notes.
2.Identify the SMS gateway email address you want to use. Many carriers have multiple gateways with separate email addresses for SMS (text) and MMS (multimedia)messages.
3.Replace number with your own number, removing punctuation and non-numeric characters.
If a specific format is known, it will be indicated by leading digits, e.g. 0number@ means you must include a leading zero.
If no hint is provided, the format is not known. In this case try a few alternatives. See the following examples:
987-555-0100 (US, +1) US-style mobile, no leading zero
9875550100@ 19875550100@
07800123123 (UK, +44) EU-style mobile, leading zero
07800123123@ 7800123123@ 447800123123@
Let me know once you find the correct format.
4.Send a test message to the email address. Make the message short and avoid adding signatures etc. to the outgoing email or you will receive multiple messages.
5.You will either receivean SMS or get an email delivery failure.
6.If none of the numbers has worked, read the FAQ below.
Why doesn't my gateway work?
Make sure you have followed any provider-specific activation instructions.Check you have tried all the suggested number formats (for most gateways the format is not known).
- It works now!
Great! - It still doesn't work!
That's no fun. Can you let me know?
I found a mistake :(
Oh dear, it happens. If you know of a correction to any entry pleaselet me know and the list will be updated.
I can't find my carrier in your list
Many carriers do not offer email gateway services, and availability changes over time.If your carrier is not listed contact their support and ask for an 'email to SMS gateway address'.
If they have one they will tell you. If they tell you, please tell me.If they don't, you'll need to use a commercial SMS gateway.
Do you have an API?
Nope. There is no cost effective way to provide an API with the required guarantees ofavailability.

If you buy the download bundleyou will receive a JSON file of the complete dataset and get perpetual updates.
Why does this list exist?
10 years ago I needed a free way to send notifications to a mobile phone.I ended up collecting a bunch of email to SMS gateways. That list was copied to and expanded on Wikipedia, before being removed.I have maintained this copy of the listever since, originally on my blog, now here.I don't know why I do this.

What extras are in the full list?
The full list contains inactive gateways (historical info), reverse gateways (sendingSMS to email) and additional notes.

If you don't know which one you need, you probably don't need the full list. But, if you want to support maintenance of the list that'sa great way to do it.
The list is licensed CC-BY-SA, and the raw data is available here.
How is the list kept up to date?
The list is maintained on a voluntary basis, based on feedback and updatesfrom people like you.
How do I add an entry to the list?
Send the details to me and I will update.Note that it can take a couple of months (there are a lot of emails and I have a life).
Sms2email Iphone
How do I remove an entry from the list?
Entries are marked inactive when they have had 3 consecutive failure reports, with no successes, over a 6 month period. This is conservative but a lot of 'failure' reports are user error.
Inactive entries are still visible in the full download.
How often is the list updated?
At least once every 6 months. It's a volunteer effort.
That's not good enough! I need up to date information!
Then you are more than welcome to pay (someone else) for it.
You are most welcome, you nice person!
© 2017 Martin Fitzpatrick •Gateway data licensed CC-BY-NC-SA